Sunday, December 12, 2010

I'll try harder, I promise.

I really need to work at blogging more often. Like.... really, really, really try!

The last week or so my blogging time has been cut down a lot and this week it isn't going to get any better.I'm in the middle of a long term substitute placement. So I've had no time during the day because well.... I'm shaping the minds of our youth. And, naturally with with teaching comes lesson plans and grading papers.

I also had my gift wrapping fundraiser for St. Jude Children's Reasearch Hospital this weekend. It went really well...we ended up raising the same amount of money as we did last year. Regardless of the monetary amount it was worth it. It's always worth taking time out of our busy lives to do some good and give to those who need it.

Ohhhh....and the Christmas shopping....oh vey! I am very behind... like so behind you could really just say I haven't even started. Oops! I have a list and it is categorized to the different stores and  highlighted if I have a coupon for it. Now, I just have to find time and get my hiney out to the stores and get it done!

So I'm sorry for being a slacking blogger...very sorry! But tis' the season for being busy!

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