Thursday, January 6, 2011

There were three in the bed.

And the two people who should sleep in the bed were slowly getting pushed out.

You see... we went out of town for Christmas and for the last few days before we left we (by we I mean I) let Kelso sleep in the bed with us at night. I felt guilty for leaving him and I thought that by the time we came back he would have forgotten about it and would just sleep on his dog bed, no problem. Man, was I wrong!

Kelso can not get enough of the bed. I can't say that I blame him... tempurpedic mattress, down comforter and egyptian cotton sheets. What's not to love? But 60 pound Kelso does not just just curl up in a cute lil ball at the foot of the bed and zonk out. No, no, no... he is up down, up down, roll over, walk in circles, lay down, get up, in between you, licking your face, on your pillow... over and over again. Not to mention that when you get up in the morning he has taken over more than half of the bed and Greg and I are smashed into one side and sharing a pillow.

Now we are trying to get him to sleep on his own bed again. It has been a nightmare to say the least. He just walks around the bed and cries... and cried... and cries. The other night it was so bad I got out of bed and came to the living room with him because Greg needed to get to sleep and we were at least an hour into the cry baby routine at this point. Even when we came out to the living room he was still crying and kept trying to get up on the couch with me. Eventually I gave up. I went to bed and Kelso had to sleep in his box. He was ok with that, he loves being in his box. But we want him to be out of the box at night, ya know... to be a big, bad guard dog.  So this cry baby junk has to stop!

I think tonight might be the lucky night. I can just feel it! Usually during the day Kelso will nap on his bed but today I put it in the closet so he hasn't been on it all day. I hope that he will be so happy to see it tonight and sleep time that he will just lay down and go to doggie dreamland.

Well, here's to hoping!

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