I have never had a problem going to the dentist. My chompers always get a clean bill of health and I take pride in having good oral hygiene. Last month I went to the dentist for my regular check up and it did not go as well as ones in the past.
You see, when I was 12 or 13, two of my molars got chipped when I was hit in my mouth playing softball. So I had to get them bonded... which is when they take the white cavity filling and use that to fill in the chipped part of your tooth. But, the dentist that did the repair didn't do such a swell job. He didn't exactly fill the chip, he more so just put a band-aid over the chip in my teeth. Worse yet- he bonded the two chips with the same band-aid. So, one side of my teeth were basically connected. Worked well, until now!
Ok, back to my last dentist check visit. I found myself in cringing in discomfort when they took that pokey tool and tapped on the place where my chip was fixed for the cavity check. It was awful! I knew something was up because I have never had mouth pain before. The dentist noticed also that I was contorting my legs and digging my nails into the arms of the chair when he tapped on these teeth. A full mouth x-ray came next and then I saw it- a tiny dark grey cloudy spot staring at me. Right there on my very own, once cavity free chompers. DUD! The only thing that soothed the cavity heartbreak was that the dentist told me that there was nothing I could have done to prevent this from happening. The cavity was in between the teeth and under the bonding band aid that fixed my chipped teeth when I was younger.
Mr. Dentist told me that I would need to come back and have the cavity filled. In order for them to fill it they would have to remove the bonding. OUCH! I also am scared of needles... like terrified. My stomach already started to churn and I actually thought I might start to cry. I pulled myself together, explained my needle-a-phobia and he wrote me a prescription for some anti-anxiety pills. He said I wouldn't remember even being there and that I would experience no pain. I liked what I was hearing and that helped to turn my frown upside down.
Now the fun part of this entire saga. A week later I took the pills an hour before my visit as instructed and started to feel loopy after about 20 minutes. My sister-in-law, Sara, was my token driver for the afternoon... and thank God she was there.
Got to the office and everything was great. Don't remember a single thing about them fixing my teeth or talking to anyone. Heck- I don't even remember getting there. Oops! After this dentist appointment I understand how David felt when he left the dentist.
I came home and slept like a baby for about 6 hours and then woke up a little out of it. I might as well have been knocked over the head with a frying pan. When I woke up things just felt a little fuzzy and it took a while for me to piece things together. I started talking to Greg about his day and he asked me about the dentist. I told him how I thought it went and he laughed about how I couldn't remember a thing. I went to get my phone from my purse and also noticed that I had taken 6 little sample packets of gum from the dentist office's receptionist desk and, the real kicker.... 9 chapsticks! (There are only 5 in the picture because went I went to take the picture for the blog this was all I could find and 1 of the original 9 Kelso had for a snack.)
To top it all off I over paid for this dentist visit by about $300.00! I needed to pay like $68 and according to my receipt statement I paid way, way more. Awesome job, Jamie! I also later found out from my sister-in-law that I counted out $27 in singles and might have given them a few bucks in loose change. My bad!
And there you have it.... I got drunk at the dentist.
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