Thursday, March 3, 2011

Potluck Posting!

It has been months since I have done a potluck posting. So, I wracked my brain to think of some lil' bits of my life to share with you in this post.

Geeze-louise do I hope that this is true. March is here and hopefully spring lamb-like weather comes with it. We have had such a long winter. Our first big snow came in November and it has only been a week since the last blizzard. In NE Ohio we are used to this weather but, I mean come on! Enough is enough.

I can not wait for all of the snow to melt and for things to be green again. Seeing brown and grey everyday is depressing. The 5 day forecast is not looking too swell...

... but I'm holding onto hope and thinking positive about coming out of this month with lamb-like weather!

Easter is coming up in a few weeks and that means that jellybeans have hit the shelves. I love, love, loooooove jelly beans... maybe not as much as the late President Reagan did, but love non-the-less. My favorite kind are Starburst flavored ones. This year I decided to try the Starburst Sours.


I must say, they are yummy but they still don't compare to the originals. My lil' way of stopping myself from eating the entire bag in one fell swoop is that I take 2 of each flavor at a time and that is my "serving". I try my best to only have 2 "servings" a day. I know that seems a lil' weird. But, hey- we all have our own lil' things and this works for me! These lil' babies are sugar packed and I don't need any more teeth issues.  Ohhhh,  jellybeans- how I love thee!

I have been reading so many blogs and websites lately that have had great ideas for getting more organized and using the space that you have wisely. I'm a self proclaimed organizational nut our hallway linen closet and food pantry are labeled by shelf. I believe that everything has a place. So as you can imagine reading these blogs and websites just gets my wheels turning.

I know this is a lil' excessive but try not to judge. I already have drawn up plans, literally, to over-hall and reorganize every closet in my house.

I am a planner. I must have a plan going into a project of any kind. So look out closets- you are in for a rude awakening!

This is a picture of my cutie-pa-tootie lil' cousins that I spend the weekend with in PA a few weeks ago. Spending time with them was wonderful and they are just too sweet for words!

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